Thursday, January 30, 2014

 Welcome to The Universe of Alexander. On this blog I will post my opinions, likes and dislikes, and just fun stuff. I like soccer and video games. I like comedy and jokes. I will try to post funny stuff on my blog. I will be posting weekly. Also remember to comment if you agree with me or have your own opinion on a topic that I blog about.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Hobbit Part 2

Has anyone watched The Hobbit Part 2 yet? If not then don't read the post because there may be a few spoilers. If you read the book, you already know what is going to happen. I think they left a lot of plot on their hands. Smaug is not killed yet, although he will be killed at the beginning of part 3. That cliffhanger at the end with Smaug flying at the village is horrible in my opinion. Also in the first movie the eagles place the group on a rock and they see the Lonely Mountain. To get there took them one movie. It took another movie to travel 6 times less to a mountain. That kind of ruined the plot. If they where so close it should have only been a short journey. Also they have so many new characters in the movie that should not even be in the story. Like the wood elf prince? Why is he even in the story. Or the wood elf lady who likes on of the dwarfs. That is completely irrelevant to the plot. The main antagonist is not even supposed to be the orc. So much was added in. It takes away from the plot. Changing a movie from the book is a very bad thing in my opinion. Also didn't Smaug already awaken in Part 1? I really hope that part 3 is not too different from the book.

The Problem With Sarcasm


                      The Following may have an excessive amount of sarcasm.

I consider myself to be the master of sarcasm. The only problem about sarcasm is that you use it to be funny or to make someone confused. Things, however, do not always go as planned. Even when you say something that is as sarcastic as anything possibly can be, people can take it literally. For example, some people say if I am good at soccer. I say, "no I am awful I cant even kick the ball in the direction of the other goal." Sometimes people reply to this by saying, "really?" That just makes me face palm. Sometimes people are sarcastic by intentionally acting to believe you. That makes things more confusing. Or when someone asks someone if they where sarcastic and they reply, "no." The say "no" sarcastically. That just confuses me. Anyways if anyone else has this opinion about sarcasm, just keep this in mind. Next time you use sarcasm, use it as much as you can just to confuse someone. (No sarcasm intended...)

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Time travel

Jan 16,
 One thing that every kid like me always thinks about is time travel. They think that if they manage to travel into the future or into the past, they could see themselves. First of all I don’t see how going to the past will ever be accomplished. But if going to the future would be possible, you would never see yourself. Here is my reasoning. If you take yourself out of the present, your life does not continue in the present anymore. In the future, you won’t meet yourself, because you went through the time machine in the present. And if you could meet yourself, then that is also a clone machine. You now have two of you. However, I think that would be impossible. I watched a documentary where Stephen Hawkins explains a possible way to get into the future. If we would be able to create a space vehicle that was fast enough, the speed would slow down time, so while we don’t age, and time slows down in the space craft, time on the earth is still going on. So yeah that’s how I think time travel will work. Hopefully time travel is a technology that we will once discover. That will be awesome to experience. Time travel will probably be expensive though. 

The RC helicopter horror story

Jan 15,
So last Saturday I went swimming. Well not really but I might as well have. I own a RC helicopter that is really awesome. It has the ability to tilt in any direction and to turn in every direction. It is very awesome, and a lot of it is made of metal. So yeah, in my backyard I have a pond. And let’s just say I let my dad fly the helicopter. That was a horrible mistake. As soon as the helicopter took off it flew right at the pond and took a swim in it with the fishes. My dad ran after the helicopter and took it out of the water. The RC helicopter was messed up and even when I turned off the remote and the helicopter blades where still spinning. I had to disconnect one of the wires to make it stop. I thought it was ruined for sure, but at least it was not my fault. After that my dad got a hair dryer. I literally took the whole RC helicopter apart. I took out the battery and dried it. I left it in the sun for two hours outside. Luckily, the helicopter is still alive till this day though. Long live the RC helicopter! But seriously never trust your parents with your RC helicopters…