Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Time travel

Jan 16,
 One thing that every kid like me always thinks about is time travel. They think that if they manage to travel into the future or into the past, they could see themselves. First of all I don’t see how going to the past will ever be accomplished. But if going to the future would be possible, you would never see yourself. Here is my reasoning. If you take yourself out of the present, your life does not continue in the present anymore. In the future, you won’t meet yourself, because you went through the time machine in the present. And if you could meet yourself, then that is also a clone machine. You now have two of you. However, I think that would be impossible. I watched a documentary where Stephen Hawkins explains a possible way to get into the future. If we would be able to create a space vehicle that was fast enough, the speed would slow down time, so while we don’t age, and time slows down in the space craft, time on the earth is still going on. So yeah that’s how I think time travel will work. Hopefully time travel is a technology that we will once discover. That will be awesome to experience. Time travel will probably be expensive though. 


  1. Your post is kind of mind-blowing. Even if we agree with your premise, to me the bigger question is why you would WANT to see the future. I don't. I would worry that I'd get stuck there, or change something forever.

  2. It's pretty cool, but what made you want to go to the future so badly that you write a blog entry for it? That is just a personal opinion.

  3. Your post is very interesting. I never really thought about time travel much. I agree I wouldn't want to meet myself in the future. I have watched movies that leave kids stranded in the future and they can't come back.
