Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The RC helicopter horror story

Jan 15,
So last Saturday I went swimming. Well not really but I might as well have. I own a RC helicopter that is really awesome. It has the ability to tilt in any direction and to turn in every direction. It is very awesome, and a lot of it is made of metal. So yeah, in my backyard I have a pond. And let’s just say I let my dad fly the helicopter. That was a horrible mistake. As soon as the helicopter took off it flew right at the pond and took a swim in it with the fishes. My dad ran after the helicopter and took it out of the water. The RC helicopter was messed up and even when I turned off the remote and the helicopter blades where still spinning. I had to disconnect one of the wires to make it stop. I thought it was ruined for sure, but at least it was not my fault. After that my dad got a hair dryer. I literally took the whole RC helicopter apart. I took out the battery and dried it. I left it in the sun for two hours outside. Luckily, the helicopter is still alive till this day though. Long live the RC helicopter! But seriously never trust your parents with your RC helicopters… 


  1. Your post was really funny! I loved your descriptions. Your dad must feel really bad about crashing your helicopter. I'm glad it survived though.

  2. I can trust you that I should not let my parents or any siblings use my helicopter. I will predict that my brother will fly my helicopter into my neighbor's lawn.
