Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Problem With Sarcasm


                      The Following may have an excessive amount of sarcasm.

I consider myself to be the master of sarcasm. The only problem about sarcasm is that you use it to be funny or to make someone confused. Things, however, do not always go as planned. Even when you say something that is as sarcastic as anything possibly can be, people can take it literally. For example, some people say if I am good at soccer. I say, "no I am awful I cant even kick the ball in the direction of the other goal." Sometimes people reply to this by saying, "really?" That just makes me face palm. Sometimes people are sarcastic by intentionally acting to believe you. That makes things more confusing. Or when someone asks someone if they where sarcastic and they reply, "no." The say "no" sarcastically. That just confuses me. Anyways if anyone else has this opinion about sarcasm, just keep this in mind. Next time you use sarcasm, use it as much as you can just to confuse someone. (No sarcasm intended...)


  1. I guess you just have to tell the truth then! Sometimes sarcasm is the easy way out. Try other ways to be clever.

  2. Needs more sarcasm. Not that I know what sarcasm is.

  3. Yeah there is NOT a lot of sarcasm in that post!!

  4. Sasha i officially will call you the king of sarcasm this post was hilarious and so true that you are obsessed with sarcasm. But you should stick with the truth more often though.

  5. Some has to know you well in order to get your sarcasm. Do not use it with strangers!
