Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Hobbit Part 2

Has anyone watched The Hobbit Part 2 yet? If not then don't read the post because there may be a few spoilers. If you read the book, you already know what is going to happen. I think they left a lot of plot on their hands. Smaug is not killed yet, although he will be killed at the beginning of part 3. That cliffhanger at the end with Smaug flying at the village is horrible in my opinion. Also in the first movie the eagles place the group on a rock and they see the Lonely Mountain. To get there took them one movie. It took another movie to travel 6 times less to a mountain. That kind of ruined the plot. If they where so close it should have only been a short journey. Also they have so many new characters in the movie that should not even be in the story. Like the wood elf prince? Why is he even in the story. Or the wood elf lady who likes on of the dwarfs. That is completely irrelevant to the plot. The main antagonist is not even supposed to be the orc. So much was added in. It takes away from the plot. Changing a movie from the book is a very bad thing in my opinion. Also didn't Smaug already awaken in Part 1? I really hope that part 3 is not too different from the book.


  1. I have not seen the movie, but since I have read the book I felt it was safe to read your blog. I agree with you that sometimes movies can change too much from the book. Turning one book into three movies might have been a stretch.

  2. Great article Sasha people change up movies from books too often it gets really annoying. Author of books should have more control over the what the directors say.

  3. Wow! Hope they don't make a part 4. The part 3 might have a huge cliffhanger. Peter Jackson is stretching the movie out too long.

  4. Even though I haven't watched the movie, I know that it ends very badly. It sort of ends like this. I am Fire, I am Death, I AM SMAUG. I hope the 3 part would be better.
